Liberia’s new WASH Commission believes in the importance of water point data

Last week, Bobby Whitfield, chairman and CEO of Liberia’s National Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Commission (WASH), appeared at Bloomberg’s TV show, “Commodity-In-Chief” to talk about Liberia’s water crisis. The Western African nation is laying out the roadmap to address the lack of access to clean drinking water and sanitation issues its population faces. The new […]
DataRobot partners with WPDx to pilot transformative Artificial Intelligence for Good initiative

DataRobot, an automated machine learning platform that helps build and deploy accurate predictive models, has partnered with the Global Water Challenge (GWC) to pilot their Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Good: Powered by DataRobot initiative. DataRobot created AI for Good because they believe artificial intelligence has the potential to help solve the greatest challenges facing society. Whether […]
How WPDx is Transforming Water Access in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone, like many countries, has received significant international support to collect data about rural water services. As is typically the case, valuable information about rural water services has been collected both through large-scale national inventories and small-scale monitoring efforts by NGOs of their own work. Despite massive investments in data collection, this data remained […]
WPDx is highlighted as a global leader in WASH standards

In their first Global Report on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), the Open Government Partnership (OGP) selected the Water Point Data Exchange (WPDx) as the leader in setting a standard for mapping and collecting rural water data. WPDx’s standard was classified under “Basic level and quality of service data.” The OGP established that the nominees in […]
WPDx Featured in Gartner Case Study

The Water Point Data Exchange was featured in a recent Gartner research paper. “Four Real-World Case Studies: Implement Augmented DSML to Enable Expert and Citizen Data Scientists,” authored by Carlie Idoine and Jim Hare of Gartner, explored how augmented data science and machine learning (DSML) not only gives citizen data scientists access to DSML capabilities, but it also […]
Remarks by Dr. Jonathan Tengbeh, Hon. Minster for Water Resources During the Launch of the Sierra Leone Digital WASH Monitoring Platform

Today is a momentous event for WASH monitoring in Sierra Leone. I want to start by thanking all the development partners who have supported us from 2016, led by UNICEF, AfDB, IRC, Akvo, Global Water Challenge & WPDx and recently Njala University. I extend our thanks to the UK and Dutch governments who provided most […]
WPDx Training with Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment

This past June, the US Embassy in Uganda sponsored the largest WPDx training to date in partnership with Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment. In Uganda, nearly 2/3 of people living in rural areas lack access to even basic water services.
WPDx Launches Analytical Tools

The data available through the Water Point Data Exchange provides a powerful foundation for advanced analytics. By harmonizing the data in WPDx and employing geospatial information systems and machine learning, WPDx has created four powerful tools to help governments and their partners make data-based decisions on a regular basis.
Successful WPDx Training with National WASH Commission in Liberia

The data available through the Water Point Data Exchange provides a powerful foundation for advanced analytics. By harmonizing the data in WPDx and employing geospatial information systems and machine learning, WPDx has created four powerful tools to help governments and their partners make data-based decisions on a regular basis.
2019: Looking Back, Looking Forward

2018 was a massive year for WPDx, and I’m excited to share a few updates about how WPDx is driving improved across the water sector. We’ve organized these updates by the four main categories in the WPDx theory of change.