WPDx Featured in Gartner Case Study

The Water Point Data Exchange was featured in a recent Gartner research paper. “Four Real-World Case Studies: Implement Augmented DSML to Enable Expert and Citizen Data Scientists,” authored by Carlie Idoine and Jim Hare of Gartner, explored how augmented data science and machine learning (DSML) not only gives citizen data scientists access to DSML capabilities, but it also […]

WPDx Launches Analytical Tools

The data available through the Water Point Data Exchange provides a powerful foundation for advanced analytics. By harmonizing the data in WPDx and employing geospatial information systems and machine learning, WPDx has created four powerful tools to help governments and their partners make data-based decisions on a regular basis.

Successful WPDx Training with National WASH Commission in Liberia

The data available through the Water Point Data Exchange provides a powerful foundation for advanced analytics. By harmonizing the data in WPDx and employing geospatial information systems and machine learning, WPDx has created four powerful tools to help governments and their partners make data-based decisions on a regular basis.

2019: Looking Back, Looking Forward

2018 was a massive year for WPDx, and I’m excited to share a few updates about how WPDx is driving improved across the water sector. We’ve organized these updates by the four main categories in the WPDx theory of change.